Joan Gamage

#2682, born about 1500?
Relationship13th cousin 18 times removed of Doris J. Muller
Father*Sir Thomas Gamage
Mother*Matilda Dennis
FatherSir Thomas Gamage


Roger Arnold born about 1500?

Life Events

Birth*about 1500? 
Marriage*before 1520?; Principal=Roger Arnold 
ChartsSome Descendants of Charlemagne (#1)
Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#2)
Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#3)
Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#4)
Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#5)
Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#6)
Last Edited26 January 2003

Morgan Tippel

#2688, born 13 April 1812
Relationship2nd great-granduncle of Doris J. Muller
Father*Henry Tipple born 25 May 1788, died 5 July 1841
Mother*Catherine Glimp born 10 July 1794, died 29 April 1869

Life Events

Birth*13 April 1812; These lists may have been transcribed from a family bible many years ago. The papers are old.1 
Baptismafter 20 April 1812; sponsors were parents2 
ChartsSome Descendants of Johann Peter Diewel/Dipple/Tipple
Last Edited18 July 2009


  1. Family records, Scrapbook found January 2009 in a garage sale or near Savona, NY. Includes newspaper clippings, religious material and lists that may have been transcribed from a family bible. - Found by Debbie Howell, e-mail address.
  2. Church records,#3039, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, Arthur C. M. Kelly.

Howard Almont Coon

#2693, born about 1920

Life Events

Birth*about 1920 
Last Edited27 September 2000

William Charles Rockefeller

#2694, born before 1920

Life Events

Birth*before 1920 
Last Edited27 September 2000

Lawrence Albino

#2696, born 29 July 1937, died 28 June 2000


Kathleen Florence Becker

Life Events

Birth*29 July 19371 
Marriage*Principal=Kathleen Florence Becker 
Death*28 June 20001 
Last Edited28 August 2014


  1. Ancestry Web Site, SSDi Number: 321-30-8415; Issue State: Illinois; Issue Date: 1952-1954.. Hereinafter cited as

Sandra Saitis

#2697, born about 1940


Robert Franklin Becker born after 1940

Life Events

Birth*about 1940 
Marriage*Principal=Robert Franklin Becker 
Last Edited27 September 2000

Kenneth Moore

#2698, born about 1940


Janet Beatrice Becker born after 1940

Life Events

Birth*about 1940 
Marriage*Principal=Janet Beatrice Becker 
Last Edited27 September 2000