Doris's Genealogy
Ancestry of Doris, Marilyn, Diane, and Craig
Interactive Pedigree of Doris, Marilyn, Diane, Craig
Richard Warren, Mayflower
1600's Immigrants
1710 Palatines
Revolutionary War
Recent Changes
Doris's Musings
Evina Schryver
David Schryver
Catherine Wager
Martin Schryver
Eva Burkhardt
Eberhardt Wager
Catharina Schaffer
Albertus Schreiber
Eva Lauermann
Johann M. Burkhardt
Ursula Froelich
Johann B. Wager
Maria B. Bez
Johann A. Schaffer
Gertraud Feller
Johannes Burckhardt
Elisabetha Schleicher
Stephan Froelich
Anna E. Wohlleben
Leonhard Wager
Anna C. Schaufelein
Jost H. Schaffer
Agnes Backus
Johann P. Feller
Catharina E. Rau
Johann C. Burckhard
Catharina Gutz
Johannes Schleicher
Hans H. Froelich
Anna M. Lamper
Walrath Wohlleben
Anna C. Baumann
George Weger
Margaretha Treher
Niclaus Feller
Magdalena E. Braun
Niclaus Rauch
Gertraud Steinkopf