Delight Unknown1
#7505, born about 1892
- Census, 1920: District 29, Canton Ward 2.
Frederika Unknown1
#7506, born 1842
Life Events
Birth* | 1842; Germany 1 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Census, 1900.
- Census, 1880.
Charles Stark1
#7507, born February 1873
Life Events
Birth* | February 1873; New York, New York, New York 1 |
Census | 1880; Dist. 610, New York, New York, New York 2 |
Marriage* | before 1900; Principal=Lulu Freeman1 |
Census | 1910; Frederika (Charles' mother) and a niece, Annie Young, are living with him, in addition to the children named in the 1920 Census. Also note son Elbert's name is spelled Albert in 1920.3 |
Census* | 1910; Oakland (Ward 1), Alameda, California 1 |
Address* | 1920; Oakland, Alameda, California 4 |
Census | 1930; Berkeley, Alameda, California ; with wife, daughter Mary W. age 25, son Harry E. 20, daughter Margaret M. 18, daughter Marcella J. 14, son Eugene R. 12 and granddaughter Phyllis I. 7.5 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Census, 1900.
- Census, 1880.
- Census, 1910.
- Census, 1920.
- Census, 1930.
Lulu Freeman1,2
#7508, born May 1877
Life Events
Birth* | May 1877; California 2 |
Marriage* | before 1900; Principal=Charles Stark2 |
Census* | 1930; shows middle initial as M3 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Maiden name identified in birth and death records for son Albert and in death record for son Carl.
- Census, 1900.
- Census, 1930.
- Census, 1920.
Carl Stark1
#7509, born 1902, died 11 April 1988
Life Events
Birth* | 19021 |
Death* | 11 April 1988; Contra Costa, California ; Death record shows mother's maiden name as Freman, his middle name as Franz, his birth date as 21 Oct 19022 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Census, 1920.
- Ancestry Web Site, California Death Index. Hereinafter cited as
Winifred Stark1
#7510, born 1905
Albert Stark1,2,3
#7511, born 14 September 1907, died 22 September 1975
Life Events
Birth* | 14 September 19072,3 |
Note* | 1957; A divorce record for an Albert F. Stark shows his wife as Ellen Jenkins b. 19114 |
Death* | 22 September 1975; Alameda, California 3 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Death record supplies middle name as Erwin.
- Census, 1920.
- Death record , California Death Index, online at
- Ancestry Web Site, California Divorce Index. Hereinafter cited as
Harry Stark1
#7512, born 1910, died 12 March 1953
Life Events
Birth* | 19101 |
Death* | 12 March 1953; Alameda, California ; gives maiden name of mother as Freeman2 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Census, 1920.
- Death record , California Death Index, online at
Margaret Stark1
#7513, born 1913
Last Edited | 11 January 2011 |
Marcella Stark1
#7514, born 1916
Last Edited | 11 January 2011 |
Eugene Stark1
#7515, born 2 January 1918, died 14 August 2008
Life Events
Birth* | 2 January 19181,2,3 |
Death* | 14 August 2008; Last residence: 95602 Auburn, Placer, California2 |
Last Edited | 12 January 2011 |
- Census, 1920.
- Deceased citizens, Social Security Death Index CD (and online), Ongoing.
- Ancestry Web Site, California Birth Index. Hereinafter cited as
Emil Stark1
#7516, born 1861
Last Edited | 11 January 2011 |
Lilly Stark1
#7517, born 1867
Last Edited | 11 January 2011 |
Duncan? Cammer1
- Census, 1790: Livingston, Columbia, NY.
Margaret Davids1
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), pedigree on p. xvi.
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), p. 1.
Jean Davids French Huguenot1
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), p. 1.
Esther Vincent1
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), p. 1.
Joseph Ketcher1,2,3
#7523, born 6 April 1779, died about June 1849
Life Events
Birth* | 6 April 1779; Bradwell-near-the-sea, Essex, England 1 |
Marriage* | about 1806; Southminster, Essex, England ; Principal=Mary Spurgin2 |
Census* | 1841; Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, England 4 |
Death* | about June 1849; Malden, Essex, England 1 |
Mary Spurgin1
Life Events
Marriage* | about 1806; Southminster, Essex, England ; Principal=Joseph Ketcher1 |
William Ketcher1
#7525, born about 1739
Life Events
Birth* | about 1739; Bradwell-near-the-sea, Essex, England 1 |
Marriage* | between 3 March 1767 and 1768; Bradwell-near-the-sea, Essex ; Principal=Rachel Lover1 |
Rachel Lover1
Life Events
Marriage* | between 3 March 1767 and 1768; Bradwell-near-the-sea, Essex, England ; Principal=William Ketcher1 |
Elvin Valentine1
#7527, born 1791, died 24 January 1874
Life Events
Birth* | 1791; Mahopac, Putnam, New York 1 |
Death* | 24 January 1874; Phillipstown, Putnam, New York 1 |
Newman Emerson Montross1
#7528, born 1849, died 10 December 1932
Life Events
Birth* | 18491,2 |
Marriage* | Principal=Georgianna Serrell1,2 |
Death* | 10 December 1932; White Plains, Westchester, New York 1,2 |
Obituary | N e w t on E. M o n t r o ss W h i te P l a i n s, D e c. 10—Newton E, M o n t r o s s, 83, o w n er of t he M o n t r o ss Art G a l l e r y. 785 5 th Ave .. New Y o r k, di ed t o d ay in W h i te P l a i ns H o s p i t a l. His i l l n e ss d e v e l o p ed a f t er a h i p f r a c t u r e. S u r v i v i ng a re h is widow, M r s, G e o r g i a na S e r r e ll M o n t r o s s; a J b r o t h e r, R o b e r t M., of M o u n t V e r - I n o n, a n d a g r a n d d a u g h t e r , M r s, ; T h o m as O ' H a r a, of T w in L a k e s, i C o n n. T h e f u n e r al s e r v i ce will be he ld n e xt T u e s d ay m o r n i n g in S t, J a m es M. E. C h u r c h, New Y o rk3 |
Note* | As owner of the Montross Galleries in New York City, he traveled extensively and is found in numerous passenger lists from Europe.4 |
Note | Much more information is available in the Montross book by Taylor, which can be found on and in some major genealogical libraries.2 |
Name-Oth | Newton E.; per obituary1 |
- Obituary, Brooklyn, NY Eagle Dec. 10, 1932. Online at
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), p. 540.
- Obituary, Brooklyn, NY Eagle, Dec. 10, 1932:
- Ancestry Web Site. Hereinafter cited as
Robert Holmes Montross1
#7530, born 1855, died after 1930
Life Events
Birth* | 1855; New York, New York, New York 4 |
Marriage* | Principal=Stella A. Porter5 |
Census* | 1860; Wawarsing, Ulster, New York ; with William C. age 41, Ruth 36, Newman E. 11, John H. 9, Sarah E. 7. Note name is spelled Montrose.3 |
Note* | This was no doubt the Robert mentioned in the letter from a cousin |
Census | 1930; Mt. Vernon, Westchester, New York ; with daughter Grace and her three children6 |
Death* | after 1930 |
- Obituary, Brother Newman's obituary: Brooklyn, NY Eagle Dec. 10, 1932. Online at
- Obituary, Brooklyn, NY Eagle Dec. 10, 1932. Online at
- Census, 1860.
- Census, 1880.
- John Wilson Taylor, Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Mon [database on-line]. Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.
Montross : a family history : Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada (Staunton, VA: McClure Printing Co., 1958), p. 327.
- Census, 1930.